With winter fast approaching, many pup parents are starting to think about how they can keep their dogs safe and comfortable during the colder months. Winter can be a tricky time for dogs and there are certain things owners need to be aware of to ensure their pups can safely play outside.

As experts in all things doggy-related, we at The Dog Dazzlers have come up with our top 7 tips for keeping pups happy and safe as the nights get shorter and the temperatures drop.


Top 7 Tips for Dog Care in Winter

By following these 7 tips, you can make sure winter is a fun time for your pooch and that you’re doing everything you can to keep them warm and entertained.

Tip #1: Proper Coat Grooming

Different breeds require different levels of grooming throughout the year. But, many dogs shed their coats seasonally, meaning they shed their lighter or heavier coats ready for the upcoming season. During this period, it’s a good idea to take your pup to an experienced dog groomer in Melbourne so that they can manage your pup’s changing coat in the best way possible.

What’s more, winter tends to mean wetter weather which means there are more muddy puddles for our dogs to play in. Taking them for a full pup pamper session can help to keep them looking (and smelling) their best all season long!

winter dog grooming in melbourne

Tip #2: Prevent Skin Irritations

As it does for us humans, winter temperatures can cause dry and irritated skin. The dry air can cause your pup’s skin to become raw and itchy, leaving them with a flaky coat and dry fur. When you bring your pooch to The Dog Dazzlers for winter dog grooming, we’re always keeping an eye out for signs of skin irritations or infection. We’ll then use or reccomend the correct moisturising products and conditioners to keep your pup’s coat healthy, nourished and protected from winter weather.

Tip #3: Get The Right Gear

Some dogs, especially short-haired breeds or small pups, may need a little extra help during winter. If they don’t have a thick winter-ready coat like a Malamute does, then a doggy jumper or coat could be a great idea. They come in all sorts of designs and sizes and can help to keep them cosy whilst out on a walk.

You may also want to think about a light-up collar and lead. Shorter days mean we’re often taking our dogs out at night. Light-up or glow-in-the-dark gear can help to keep your pup visible, both to you and cars, which can help to keep them safe.

Tip #4: Protect Their Paws

Whilst dog paws are certainly hardier than human skin, they can still be affected by cold (and hot) temperatures. Walking on frosty paths or being cold for a prolonged period can cause their skin to crack and become sore. Furthermore, if your dog has a longer coat, you may need to trim the hair between their toes shorter and more often. Frost and cold water can get caught there which can become painful for your pup.

If your pooch has particularly sensitive paws, you could consider buying them some little booties or paw protectors for the colder days.

Tip #5: Watch Out for Older, Younger and Ill Pups

The cold affects dogs differently. Older pups often suffer from arthritis and cold weather can make this worse. Likewise, puppies have less body fat and shorter coats, so they can be affected more when it’s very cold. If you’re worried about your pooch getting enough exercise and stimulation but think the weather is too cold for them, you could always bring them to dog daycare at the Dog Dazzlers.

Our purpose-made facility caters to younger doggos who might want to run around a little more, and slower pups who want their own space. Our staff help to stimulate and educate dogs safely and in the warmth so they stay engaged and happy.

Tip #6: Ensure Their Bedding Is Warm Enough

Making sure your dog is comfortable when the temperatures drop is really important. Providing them with thicker bedding as well as extra blankets can help to ensure they’re cosy at night. You may want to put something insulating under their bed too, if it’s on a cold floor.

care for dog paws in winter

Tip #7: Exercise Is Still Important – But Wipe Them Down After

It’s likely your dog will be less motivated to go outside when it’s very cold but exercise and outdoor stimulation is still really important. Try to take them out when the weather is at its warmest and ensure they have a safe place to run around.

When you get back, make sure you dry them thoroughly to keep them comfortable and stop any skin irritations from developing. Likewise, it’s a good idea to wash their feet as salt, grit, and antifreeze can cause discomfort if left on their skin for a long time. If you don’t want to do a full wash, you can use dog wipes which are perfect for wiping their paws and bellies without making them any colder than they probably already are.


Is Your Pooch Ready for Winter?

Dog care in winter is really important to ensure your pup is healthy and can still enjoy their usual routine safely. Winter dog grooming is a great idea to ensure your dog’s coat is prepared for colder weather and looks as good as possible.

You could also bring your pup to a doggie daycare if you’re worried about the colder weather and how it might affect them. We offer specialised enrichment packages to help your pooch stay engaged and stimulated while it’s colder outside. Get in touch with the team at The Dog Dazzlers to book your pup in for a winter trim or daycare!